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About BelieveInACure

About This Website

This website is all about families. If your family has someone, especially a parent or guardian, that has breast cancer and you have kids, then this is the website for you!


On this website there is a Families page that tells you things that you can do as a family to help the family spend time with each other and get through this. There is also an Adults page that explains what is happening and to help the parents explain to their kids what is going on. The Kids page has fun things for the kids to do and can help explain some things to them. The Fun Facts page just has some fun facts to show that you are not the only one going through this. This website also has a Heroes page. This page has stories of amazing people and families who have overcome cancer. Lastly, the Contact page is if you have any questions or concerns or notice something wrong with a page and would like to contact me.


There are many resources on this page for adults and kids in the family. I got all of the information from known reliable resources. I hope this website is useful and helps you get through this. Lastly, if you have your own amazing story as to how you have overcome cancer, please use the contact page to let me know. With your permission, it might then appear on the website!


**Please know that I am not a doctor or a medical professional, but all of the information found on this website came from doctors, medical research websites, and other reliable sources.**


My Story

I created this website because there are not that many resources available for helping young children understand what is happening when they have someone in their family, especially a parent or guardian, that has breast cancer.


When I was 7 years old, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was young, didn't know what was happening, and I had a lot of questions. My mom tried to find resources to help explain everything to me, but she had a very hard time and could only find a couple. Most of the resources that she had found were for adults and did not help to explain things in terms that a kid would understand.

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