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Things to do as a Family!



Answer questions: Kids always have questions, whether they ask them or not. Take the time as a family to sit down and answer their questions.

Family fun night: Some families might already do this, but if not then it's a great thing to start. The main thing is to spend time together as a family throughout the treatment. If you already do this as a family, then keep doing this. You can play games, watch movies, try new fun recipes, create a scavenger hunt, etc.

Talk about how everyone is feeling: Take turns going around and saying how you feel. Make sure that everyone knows for sure that it is a safe space and that they can say anything. Other ideas as to how to express everyone's feelings are below.

Feeling Mask: Have everyone make a mask and have them decorate it based on how they are feeling right then. Then if you want, have everyone color another mask based on how they want to feel in the future.

Feeling Clock: Just like how a real clock tells time, a feeling clock tells feelings. Have everyone list as many feelings as they can think of. Using a large circle or paper plate, divide the circle into as many feelings as were listed. Everyone can color and decorate each area labeled with a feeling on the clock. Then make an arrow and attach it to the center of the circle using a small metal fastener. Have everyone use the arrow to point to how they are feeling.

Before Treatment

Before Treatment

Field trip: Take a day trip someplace as a family. For example the zoo, a park, bowling, etc. The main thing is to spend time together and have fun as a family.

Plant a garden: Plant a small garden together. It doesn't even have to be outside. It could be flowers planted in a small cup or egg carton and placed near a window or someplace where it would get a lot of sun. Use the garden as a metaphor to discuss what is happening with the parent that has cancer.

Talk about what is happening: A lot of the time the child doesn't know or understand what is happening to their parent with cancer. With younger kids it might help to role play or to use a doll to explain what is happening.

Family walk/bike ride: The main thing is to spend time with family. Having a family walk or bike ride is always a nice way to get outside and have fun as a family.

Before/During Treatment

Before/During Treatment

Find stories about other people: For older kids, you can read stories together about different survivors. An adult may want to read them first to make sure they are appropriate for the kids, depending on the kids' age. There are some stories on this website.

Create a movie: It's always fun to create a movie with others(in this case with your family), whether it's silly or serious is up to you. Have the family write a script out and make the movie together starring everyone in it. Just have fun with it and make it your own.

During Treatment

During Treatment

Welcome home sign: Have the kids create a "Welcome Home" sign for the parent when they come home from the hospital. An adult might have to help the kids with this.

Pinky hugs: Everyone could always use a hug every now and then, especially kids. When they are scared, nervous, sad, or however they feel, they almost always want a hug, especially from their mom or dad. With having the cancer treatment, it may hurt to give hugs. So instead of giving a big hug, just use your pinky finger. It's like doing a pinky promise, but instead it's a pinky hug. It still shows that you care about them and are there for them.

After Treatment

After Treatment

Yoga: This a great activity to do, especially after treatment. Anyone can do this so why not make it a family activity. If the boys don't want to then you can even make it a girls day and the mom and daughter could do the yoga.

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